Five Good Reasons to Get Back Together

 By Nina Atwood

Breaking up and getting back together can be fraught with difficulty. The emotional ups and downs are draining. The lack of emotional security throws you off balance. Recovery takes time. But the biggest problem is the lack of intervention in the cycle of the relationship so that reconciling can lead to a future that is substantially better than the past.

Usually there’s a good reason that you broke up, from at least one person’s perspective (usually the dumper). Even though as the dumpee you might suspect a less than worthy motive for your partner’s choice to leave, the fact that he/she left you indicates relationship problems. So the primary focus in getting back together has to be resolving the issues that drove you apart. The five good reasons to get back together (assuming love) are:

  1. You can articulate exactly why you broke up and you have agreement on the reason(s) why.
  2. You want to resolve the issues that drove you apart (you are aligned on the same intention to heal your relationship).
  3. You want to resolve those issues because you have both have intentions toward a future together.
  4. You are willing to invest the time to communicate openly and honestly about your issues; if you have trouble doing that on your own, you invest in a good therapist to help you with the process.
  5. You share common values and life goals and you are compatible; thus, there’s every reason to believe you could have a good future together.

If you and your partner agree on all of these five reasons to get back together, you have a great shot at a meaningful reconciliation leading to a much more fulfilling relationship.

Entry Filed under: Relationships


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