Life Can Turn On a Dime

 By Nina Atwood

This past week, my friend George moved into a brand new house with his bride of two weeks. George and his new wife are blissful, looking forward to a life together of dancing, cooking on the grill, spending time with their kids and grandchildren, and loving each other.

Just a little over a year ago, George was coming out of a long-term dating relationship that didn’t work out. And just three years before that, he was recovering from the death of his beloved first wife of cancer after more than thirty years of marriage. George has been through a lot. But he’s never lost his innate optimism about life. Through all of it, he’s maintained a positive belief that he’s meant to share his life with a special woman. Make that two special women!

George’s story is proof positive that life can turn on a dime. You may be alone in the world today, but your soul mate is just on the horizon, if you believe that to be true. You may be suffering from a broken heart today, but your heart can be filled with love tomorrow.

Never, ever, ever surrender your hope. Never give up on life. Life is full of delightful surprises. Belief in that reality, maintaining hope, and looking up and out – that’s the ticket to life.

Entry Filed under: Personal Growth


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