By Nina Atwood

If you have completed your visioning exercises (see previous blogs: 2008 Intentions, 2007 Reflections, Current State, Life Vision Statement, and 2008 Vision Statement), then you are ready to set SMART goals for 2008. What is a SMART goal?

  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A = Action-oriented, achievable
  • R = Results-oriented
  • T = Time-based

A SMART goal might be something like this:

  • Land a new job in my industry by end of first quarter 2008
  • Join 3 online dating services and complete my profiles by end of January ’08
  • Attend two singles groups or functions every month in ’08
  • Arrange time to spend with my closest friends every month
  • Lose 10 pounds by March 30th
  • Join a health club and work out 3 times per week beginning first week of February

And so on. Write down your SMART goals, then create a small chart that looks like this:

I will be on track with my goals if I achieve these milestones:

End of 1st quarter: [milestone]

End of 2nd quarter: [milestone]

End of 3rd quarter: [milestone]

End of 4th quarter: [milestone]

Once you have written all of this into your 2008 plan, take the further step of sharing it with at least one other person. Writing down goals makes them take on a real life of intention. Sharing them raises the bar even higher and maximizes the probability that you will achieve them.


Entry Filed under: Personal Growth

1 Comment

  • 1. Kyle  |  March 15th, 2008 at 8:33 pm

    I think that Smart goals work so well because you get your goals into the real world. It is always nice to think about what you would like to do however, it puts a different perspective on things when you see what you want to accomplish on paper.

    Creating a step by step action plan will keep you focused on your goals and motivated to get to the next step. We need to change the way we think to discipline our minds for success. Believe in yourself and stay positive to accomplish your goals.


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