Power of Attraction Part 3: What do you really want?

 By Nina Atwood

Create a Vision Statement. Now that you’ve identified your core values and how they manifest in a relationship, write a powerful vision statement that pulls all of it together. Devote some time to this exercise. Set aside quiet time, light candles or play your favorite soft music. Meditate and reflect on the picture you have in your mind of the ideal relationship. Don’t focus on what the person will look like - how tall, how beautiful, or how wealthy. Instead, put your focus on the dynamics of the relationship you want to have. This where the rubber meets the road! How you interact and the character of the person you choose.

Write your vision statement in present tense, as if you already have it. Write it with positive feeling words – “I am happy and fulfilled each day with my soul mate. We enjoy laughter and a joyous connection.”

Take your time with this exercise – it’s critical to your success. To attract someone who’s right for us, we have to create a mind set that says we already have it. Loneliness, emotional neediness, desperation, and fear attract more of that as an outcome. Loneliness will attract another needy person. While it may temporarily fix the pain, in the long run it won’t result in a healthy relationship dynamic. The best relationships happen between two people who are emotionally healthy and balanced when they meet. Together, they form a circle of love and trust that’s impossible to beat.

When you have finished crating your vision statement, type it or write it in a beautiful font and put it somewhere visible so that you can read it every day. Each time you do, let yourself be filled with the warm, positive feelings that it evokes. Then, get on with a productive day in a life of purpose. Your soul mate is on his/her way to you right now!

Entry Filed under: Dating,Personal Growth


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