Dancing With The Singles [Love Strategies Podcast]
By Nina Atwood
If you love Dancing With The Stars like I do, you’re glued to the television on Monday nights this fall, cheering on your favorite celebrity contestants. But ballroom dancing isn’t just for the stars, it’s good for relationships. Did you know that ballroom dancing is good for the development of relationship skills even when you’re single? In this episode of Love Strategies, Nina explores the many ways that relationships are a lot like dancing, as well as the health benefits of ballroom dancing whether you are in a relationship or not. Leading and following are not just antiquated ideas your grandparents talked about. They are powerful relationship skills that are needed by both men and women. In dating, who leads and who follows has a lot to do with how your relationships develop. Find out the surprising truth about the dance of dating and the gender bias we share.
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Entry Filed under: Advice for Men,Advice for Women,Dating,Podcasts,Relationships