Does Facebook Cause Breakups?
By Nina Atwood
A new study suggests that if you’re like “slutty Joan,” you’re going to get a worse rap from your female friends than “slutty Jim” will get from his buddies. Are sexual double standards still going on? What does it mean in your world? On this episode of Love Strategies, Nina discusses this dicey question, as well as your own sex life and how it impacts the rest of your life.
Also on the show: does Facebook cause breakups? The short answer is: it depends; sometimes yes and sometimes no. Find out when it does and when it doesn’t and why. And what do you think about this question: when you get married, is your marriage more likely to last if you met online, or if you met in person? You may be shocked at the answer!
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Entry Filed under: Breaking Up,Communication,Dating,Podcasts,Relationships,Sex/ Sexuality