Why (and How) You SHOULD Talk About Marriage [Love Strategies Podcast]

 By Nina Atwood

engagedWomen ask me all the time: how can I meet someone who is ready for commitment? How do I find a guy who is actually interested in marriage, not just fun and games? My answer is simple but not easy: figure out what you need to do to attract a commitment minded guy. Some of that is the inner work you need to do so that you are not attracting emotionally unavailable guys. Good relationships are always an inside job. The rest of it is understanding what to do on your dates so that you set the stage for real love, commitment, and a journey to marriage. In this podcast, featuring the questions I get from real people, you’ll learn why it is so vital that you DO talk about marriage with the men you date. Secondly, you’ll learn how to talk about it without scaring away [the right kind of] men.

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Entry Filed under: Advice for Women,Dating,Marriage,Podcasts,Relationships

1 Comment

  • 1. T. Davis.  |  April 6th, 2013 at 5:22 pm

    Valuable information here. Going to download podcast and listen. Thanks,


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