Bristol Palin’s Chastity Vow: Realistic?

 By Nina Atwood

Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol recently opened up to Oprah about her vow to put off sex until marriage, despite the fact that she’s the mother of a 13 month old son. Others want to know: is it realistic? I say, realistic isn’t the question. That’s like saying, “now that I’m married, I’m going to be 100% faithful to my husband,” and others saying, “but is that realistic?”

Chastity is a choice; so is being faithful, not doing drugs, and not abusing alcohol. Wise choices in life aren’t always realistic – meaning that it’s hard to adhere to them in the face of so many temptations. But if we avoid making those tough choices because they’re tough, we wind up on the twisty road of fuzzy values and ethics, a path that often ends in disaster.

I say, “way to go Bristol!” Here’s young woman who went down the wrong path and is paying the price. She’s forever lost the freedom of being young and independant, focusing on nothing more serious than studying and sports. But she’s clearly determined to turn her life around, to not give up, and to take the high road.

The temptation to get sexual too soon is rampant in our culture today. Giving in to the temptation doesn’t yield good results, particularly for young women. We need more young women like Bristol who are willing to take the more difficult path and to speak up about it. The better question to ask is this one: What is the future that you are carving out for yourself by making tough choices today, by living like others don’t? The answer is obvious: a more stable life for her young son, and the possibility of a strong, loving marriage with a good guy in the future.

Entry Filed under: Advice for Women,Dating,Relationships


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